2 - Contents of Recognition
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18/08/2013 |
02 - The IOC Recognition of Karate
Until May, 2001 - Phase One: The Adventure of the Karate Olympic Recognition
- Letter of Mr. Jorgensen, ITKF chairman, to Mr. Roggue, IOC President.
Attachment-1 - Attachment-2 - Attachment-3 - Attachment-4 - Attachment-5
- Letter of Mr. Jorgensen, ITKF chairman, to Mr. Roggue, IOC President.
- Letter of Christophe DUBI, IOC Sports Director, to Mr. Jorgensen, ITKF
- Letter of Mr. Jorgensen, ITKF chairman, to Mr. Roggue, IOC President.
21/11/2012 -
ITKF Press Conference for the Karate Olympic Recognition
- Karate is out of the 2020 Olympics - WUKO is the big guilty!!!
022 GTKF, HKF, GSA and HOC
023 The Juridicial Decisions
European Union Traditional Karate Federations If you need the three court decisions of the Greek Courts for the courts of your country translated in your language from the Ministry of Abroad of Greece, please, email us to . |
11/05/00 - With Decision of Court of Appeal the Traditional Karate is a property of the GTKF (member of ITKF) and not of the HKF (member of WUKO-WKF)!
29/01/03 - With Decision of the Supreme Court of Greece the Traditional Karate is a property of the GTKF (member of ITKF) and not of the HKF (member of WUKO-WKF)!
024 The Athletic Crime in Greece
30/07/01 - Extrajudicial Protest and Invitation of GTKF to the General Secretary of Athletics (GSA)
27/02/02 - Submission of Complete Application for Recognition of GTKF to the GSA Nikos Exarhos
22/04/03 - Letter of Reminder of GTKF to the GSA Nikos Exarhos
025 The Situation in 2004 in Greece
18/02/04 - Illegal Negative Response of General Secretary of Athletics Nikos Exarhos to the Application of Recognition of GTKF.
18/02/04 Publications of Filathlos for the Yerolimpos Matter on Athens Olympics Security
02/03/04 - Letter of Indignation of GTKF to the GSA Nikos Exarhos
10/03/04 - Extrajudicial document of GTKF to the GSA for the not Application of Laws and Decisions of Courts
29/03/04 - Reminder of Suspense of Recognition of GTKF in the New Undersecretary of Sports Giorgos Orfanos
03/06/04 - Letter of Protest of GTKF to the Deputy Minister of Athletics Mr. George Orfanos
28/06/04 - Letter of Indignation of GTKF to the Undersecretary Giorgos Orfanos with the Background of the Affair.
10/07/04 - Letter of Indignation of GTKF to the Prime Minister of Greece Kostas Karamanlis